The domain of the digital must belong to users, -invisible, without a name, a role, or any interest. Here, life has been curated to a single extension, a meaningful and meaningless imagery. Are people hidden by too many images? Do they become images? Once virtualized, our skin becomes permeable and one day, it will detach itself completely from the hyper body and vanish. We [individual intelligences] have our image, like a wheel’s tire, stripped of its own form through its continued use. This, a practical evasion of biometric facial recognition -as the spectacle is the realm of vision, and vision is exteriority- is a dispossession of oneself. How dreary to be somebody! Shamefully elitist and ego driven. But telepresence is always something more than just the projection of the image. Am I the one to become nobody on the void of a digital screen? Or is my being entangled into my process? Hello, I’m nobody, who are you?

Welcome to the archive space

of work by ẅhŏddăŧ

[email protected]

born in São Paulo, based in Barcelona, discussing art, graphic design & technology.

I am Nobody! Who are you?(1)

[1] Here's the completet portfolio .pdf~

[2] Here's my full CV~
My Happy SVG

Welcome to the archive space              of work by ẅhŏddăŧ

[email protected] based in Barcelona,
    art,graphic design &

My Happy SVG

My Happy SVG
Proxy Promise   

   [Interactive Installation]


Proxy, “to act on behalf of another,” half entitles this installation space which subjectively provokes today’s flux as catalysts of selfhood, indulging a mass individualization through biased imagery as I use my own algorithm data as the protagonist. Recreating the layering process of decoding noise to available consumption data, the piece contains recycled carbon steel as the hardware intrusive layer, forcing the viewer to move to have a different perspective – an allegory to our own self-consumption indulged point of view that happens online. Proxy Promise is the abstraction of coded bias discussion, an era of technology that can be promising to those who allow a vicious cycle of entertainment to squander.


Steel Plate donated by RFR Recycling


My artistic practice was curated by a poem called ‘I’m Nobody! Who are you?’ from Emily Dickinson, that confronts the fame and authorship in a beautiful and inspiring way. 
My artistic name, as I use, is Whoddat, allowing the anonymity to be its center while appropriating the Internet language as poetically written.